We aspire to become an integrated supply chain providers of agricultural products and food ingredients. Currently we source products from 19 countries.


We aspire to become an integrated supply chain providers of agricultural products and food ingredients. Currently we source products from 19 countries. Our products includes:

  • Edible nuts, spices and grains;
  • Food staples; and
  • Cocoa / Coffee

We supply our products to over 150 customers in more than 9 countries.

We follow proven and flexible business model in food distribution which enables us to achieve rapid, cost effective and profitable growth.

Our business is to move food products from place where they are in excess availability to places where it is required.

Business Strategies

Our profitability is driven primarily by growth in underlying traded volumes and also by the extent to which we are able to charge a premium for value-added services and realise cost savings at various stages of the supply chain.

We do not consider ourselves to be a directional, positional, proprietary or speculative commodity trader and therefore seek to take positions in products with the sole objective of meeting our customers’ demands.

We do not take positions based on our view of the direction or size of commodity price movements. We also do not take positions in the financial or commodity markets unless they are backed by underlying physical transactions.


We are intermediaries in the overall value chain of food distribution where we find ourselves sourcing from selected areas and visiting places where it is needed. We source from aggregators/processors and supply to food companies or regional traders.

Our agricultural products and food ingredients are:

Dry Food Items
Rice, Sugar, Spices
Cocoa and Coffee

Business Risks Facing the Industry

Commodity Pricing and Production
Extreme Weather Impacting Crops
Labor Safety Concerns
A Hardening Property Market
Political Risk
Global Concerns Abound
Expanding Operations

For Business Enquiries

Company Prospects

Due to the high entry barrier in producing countries

the location specific nature of agricultural production, which is dependent on environmental factors such as climate and soil conditions and

the location of these production bases in emerging markets with challenging environments demand for agricultural products is stable and generally correlated in income growth. Positive impact of WTO on agricultural trade through decisioners